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Ways to Cleanse Your Mind, Body & Spirit This Spring

The seasonal transitions are my favorite time of year. They are the perfect time to tune into the wisdom of your true nature and refresh your mind, body, and spirit.

The beginning of spring always ignites a desire for renewal and new beginnings in my life. ย And I see this with almost everyone in my circle right now. ย How about you?

Consider greeting spring with some rituals to welcome change, growth, revitalization, and renewal for yourselves. Ritualsโ€”those symbolic behaviors you perform before, during, and after a meaningful eventโ€”can help mark the beginning of a fresh start or new direction.

Here are some ritual suggestions to welcome Spring:


We all need a reset every once in awhile. ย And this isnโ€™t limited to just your diet.โ€จWhat areas of your life could use some cleaning up? ย 

-Clean your car (inside and out)

-Purge all processed and outdated foods for a full pantry overhaul

-Toss all the toxic beauty and household products in your home.

-Get creative. Rearranging your room to boost your mood, go through old files or stagnant piles around your house, or donate old books to the library.


With longer days and more sunlight, find some time every day to get outside. ย Getting outside is very grounding and sometimes all we need to solve a problem, get creative or clear our head when we feel overwhelmed.

-Take the long way home.

-Watch closely for the changing of the seasons.

-Create a ritual of going outside at the same time each day or to the same spot each week to better notice the Spring awakening occur


Choose what metaphorical seeds you are planting this season, and how you will water them. ย Do you feel you are living a purposeful life? ย Are you using your gifts to create joy and abundance? ย What self-limiting thoughts do you need to get rid of to move toward an inspired, healthier you?

-Work with a coach! ย We help you create a blueprint for your wellbeing as well as help boost your confidence in your ability to implement it

-Set up an altar to create a sacred space at work or at home. ย Spend some time there each day to quiet your mind and listen to your intuition.

-Choose one to three positive affirmations to begin rewiring your brain.

Danielle Tyson, a Certified Nutritional Therapist (@filledplate), ย and I areย teaching an online detox class at the end of the month that will address cleansing the mind, body & spirit. ย E-mail me for details nicoletrombley@pillarwellness.comย