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Why I love Essential Oils and My MLM Business

By September 3, 2016Uncategorized


An interesting thing happened to me in the last year. Well, 2015-2016 has been quite a journey for my family and I in general but one thing in particular really took me surprise: my decision to create a part-time business educating people on the use and application of essential oils with doTERRA, a multi-level marketing company.

Why was this surprising? Many reasons. For one, I didnโ€™t have the time. I run a full-time business and a full-time family and some how I manage to make time for my own health and wellness. We just moved into a new home in a new community and weโ€™re still adjusting in our transition. Secondly, why bother with a multi-level marketing company? Arenโ€™t they schemes anyway? And besides, Iโ€™m educated! Iโ€™m too smart to waste my time in multi-level marketing.

Well, I was wrong. And actually I have realized that I am too smart not to take advantage of such an opportunity. doTERRA enables me to educate people and empower them to take charge of their health and wellness, which is the foundation of all I do within my full-time business. doTERRA provides so many resources that are hard to emphasize in self-employment: a community, accountability, positive reinforcement and an outlet for personal and professional growth.

Sure, I have enjoyed success in my own business but doTERRA and the mentors in my upline have given me so many tools to make my business successful. I am growing up professionally in doTERRA.

About two years ago a good friend of mine game me some oils as a gift right before I was about to give birth to my second child. Iโ€™ve always been knee-deep into holistic health and wellness and I had some experience with essential oils. I remember seeing doTERRA in the past but avoiding them because I turned my nose up to the multi-level marketing world. In hindsight, Iโ€™m not quite sure why. I didnโ€™t know much about it and had no experience with it. I was really just ignorant. Itโ€™s actually an amazing structure of business operation, especially when you have an amazing product that works. And thatโ€™s what happened. I tried the doTERRA essential oils. And believe me, I was skeptical. I have always been an open-minded skeptic. Well, they were amazing and they worked. They worked in way that I had never experienced before.

I started using them in my third trimester of pregnancy. I even diffused them during labor. It wasnโ€™t until after my daughter was born that I started diving into the science and health applications of essential oils. I always knew I could use the oils aromatically to make the room smell nice or clean my yoga mat but I didnโ€™t realize I could use them for heartburn, and headaches, and to help calm my children or boost their immunity. And when I saw the oils working on my newborn for various things I realized their effectiveness. After all, babies donโ€™t apply to the placebo effect. Before I knew it I was using the oils everywhere: in our cleaning products, as deodorant, in smoothies, for minor first aid and to balance my hormones.


After a year of using them and of course, diving into the deep end of doTERRA as a wholesale member, I started looking into the business. I follow a handful of women on Instagram for different tips and ideas but what stuck out to me more was watching how each of them grew a really successful business and watching their lives literally change. It was inspiring. And most of them had full-time jobs and families and were busy moms just like me.

I researched doTERRA a lot. I researched other multi-level marketing companies. I read the controversy and studied the brand wars. I sought objective voices and industry experts as well and the science and research behind aromatherapy. For those of you who still might be skeptical, research showing the effectiveness of essential oils is well-documented and has been for years. Some essential oils are more effective than modern medicines.

With the encouragement of my very entrepreneurial husband, I decided to take the step and build a doTERRA business part-time, allowing myself the flexibility that everything else comes first: my family, Pillar Wellness, my exercise, cooking for my family (you get it).

Iโ€™ve been building doTERRA part-time since November 2015, not quite a year. I have built something that I love, gives so much to other people (empowerment and solutions, to name a few) and is quite successful. I even earned an all-expense paid trip to Cancun with the doTERRA family for my husband and I in January, just from introducing others to the world of essential oils.

I truly believe everyone should use doTERRA essential oils in their lives, just like everyone should eat well and exercise. They are amazing tools that help people participate more fully in their own health and wellness. They work! doTERRAโ€™s essential oils are the best you can buy and they can replace most household and beauty care items. They are safe, effective and worth every bit of investment.

You derserve it. Your family deserves it. Getting back to basics is so crucial. Why wouldnโ€™t we use something natural as a first resort? Itโ€™s so simple and easy to use the oils. There is definitely a place for modern medicine but we need to take our health and wellness back into our own hands, especially when we all can be more proactive.

I really felt it important to share my story as to why I do what I do. If you would have asked me two years ago that a portion of my income comes from an MLM I would have said youโ€™re nuts. But I canโ€™t deny how they have clearly helped my family and so many people in my life. My clients share stories with me all the time about how the oils have replaced sleeping medications or help them with anxiety. If youโ€™re curious or skeptical, be curious and skeptical but try them. They canโ€™t hurt. And more importantly donโ€™t let the confines of your opinions dismiss opportunities that can change your life.

